Website enhancements
"Personal notes" in campground reviews
We recently added a new feature allowing you to optionally store personal notes in your campground reviews. Those personal notes can only be viewed by yourself and can be useful to store information such as when you visited that campground, the site (no) you stayed at or any other information that you wish to keep about your visit.
Another new addition to our website is the "camping map" or KampMAP which allows campers to track all the campgrounds that they have visited and reviewed on our website. Reviewed campgrounds are shown on a Google map with our map icons that can be clicked to get additional information about a campground including reviews and personal notes.
Google™ maps and driving directions
Most of our campgrounds (approx. 98%) now have longitude & latitude coordinates so we can automatically generate a Mapquest™ map for the campground you choose as well as driving directions. This mapping required many months of work but will prove to be quite popular with campers as this was requested often over the last couple of years.
Campground reviews
Another addition to our website is the "campground rviews" feature. This allows you, the campers, to do a quick rating (5 point scale) of a campground and write a review about your experience there. Such reviews are very popular on the internet as they prove to be helpful to the general public while providing critical feedback to the business (campground) owners.
Campground search enhancements!
We've recently added added a "region" field to our database as a supplement to city and province information. With this new field, you can now get a listing of campgrounds within a given region. You simply select the region from a drop-down list and voilà!
You can now sort the campground search results in many different ways. By default, when a campground search is performed, campgrounds are listed in ascending order of city and campground name. But now, you can re-sort the search results in ascending or descending order of campground name, region, city, campground type (private, provincial, national) and number of sites.
Finally, all campgrounds listed in our campground search result pages now have basic campground services and recreation information (ex. laundromat, fishing, pool....) displayed as icons. Moving the mouse over an icon displays its meaning.
Site Search
Our website now has its own search tool. Just type in a search criteria such as "towing" and you'll get a list of articles about towing in our website.
"Classified ads"
A few months ago, we implemented our "Classified ads" section where you can either (a) place an ad to advertise any camping equipment (RV's, tents etc....) you have for sale or (b) place an ad for items you're looking for. Note that this is currently a free service !! Each listing is basically be composed of a description of the item, one or more photos as well as contact information. We have also built a search engine specifically for the classifieds database that allows you to search for items by type, whether new/pre-owned and price range. For RV's, you can also search by RV class, year, manufacturer etc.... Click here to go to our Classifieds section.
New RV Manufacturers directory
We have just recently added a new directory to our website. This one is specifically about RV manufacturers and features its own search engine whereby you can search for a manufacturer by company name (ex:. Jayco Inc.), by brand name (ex:. Coleman) or by RV type (ex:. travel trailer). Click here to access our manufacturers directory.
New RV dealers directory
Right after we migrated to our new database engine, we decided to create a new directory for Canadian RV dealers. This new directory currently has over 700 entries (dealers) and features its own search engine. Click here to access it.
New RV rental companies directory
We have also just recently created a new directory to help you locate RV rental companies across Canada. As with the RV dealers directory, this directory also has its own search engine. We currently have over 200 rental companies listed. Click here to access it.