Camping Canada Campgrounds Spring RV Checklist

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RV spring checklist  Spring, the best time of the year for campers! After all those cold winter months, it's now time to go out there and get your RV ready for the camping season. So, here's our "spring's checklist" to help you get started. You can print this list and bring it with you on your "opening" day. Get ready to enjoy the camping season!!

For starters
Remove all the plastic covers on outside vents Camping trailer in spring

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Remove the air conditioner winter cover
Remove the roof vents covers
Open some windows to recycle the air

Electrical system
Check battery electrolyte level  
Clean / lubricate battery terminals
Re-install battery
Plug in electrical appliances
Switch main breaker to the "on" position and re-install any fuses removed for winter storage
Test the Ground Fault Interrupter (GFI) for proper operation  

Fresh water system
Drain all the anti-freeze from the water lines (using the two drain valves that are normally located under the sinks)
Drain all the anti-freeze from the holding tank
Drain the anti-freeze from the water heater (if the bypass valve was not used)
Close the floor drain valves
Re-install the drain plug on the water heater
Move the water heater "bypass valve" to "normal" position (if so equipped)
Re-install your water pressure regulator (if you have one)
Re-install your inline water filters (cartridges)
Re-connect the city water and test for leaks
Open all the faucets and let the water run for at least 15 minutes (until no antifreeze is visible)
Fill and drain your holding tank at least once
To sanitize the fresh water system, take a quarter cup of household bleach for every fifteen gallons of water your fresh water tank holds. Mix the bleach with water into a one-gallon container and pour it into the fresh water holding tank. Fill the fresh water holding tank completely full of water. Turn the pump on and open all faucets, run water until you smell the bleach. Close the faucets and let sit for twelve hours. Drain all of the water and re-fill the tank with fresh water. Turn the pump on and open all faucets until you no longer smell bleach. It may be necessary to repeat this process to eliminate all signs of bleach.

Waste water system
Inspect the termination (inlet) valves
Inspect the sewer hose and all seals
Drain all the anti-freeze from the holding tank (flush toilet)
Add an enzyme treatment

Propane (LP)
Inspect the LP tanks for damage / rust
Connect hoses between the tanks and the regulator assembly
Open the LP tank valves
Test for leaks (it is always a good idea to hire a qualified technician with the proper equipment to do a leak test and a gas operating pressure test before you use the LP gas system)

Furnace and refrigerator
Clean the burner areas
Adjust the thermostats
Light the furnace pilot 
Do a furnace test run 
Ensure the refrigerator is working properly 

Air conditioner
Inspect for damage, rust etc....
Clean the filter(s)
Adjust the thermostat
Do a test run

Open all doors and compartments and check for rodent intrusion and water damage
Replace any dry cell batteries you may have removed for winter storage. Test the operation of the carbon monoxide detector, the LP gas leak detector and the smoke detector
Check the fire extinguisher and make sure it is fully charged
Open the awning to let it dry
Raise the radio / TV antenna
Inspect all seams, windows and vents for water damage (reseal if necessary)
Lubricate all hinges and locks with spray lubricant.
Test the operation of the hydraulic jacks if applicable. Also check the hydraulic fluid level
Test the monitor panel for proper operation (if applicable)
Place mothballs near (not in) the gas burner assembly of the refrigerator (to prevent spiders from nesting and causing gas flow blockages at the burner)
Place mothballs near (not in) the gas burner assembly of the hot water heater (to prevent spiders from nesting and causing gas flow blockages at the burner)
Place sheets of Bounce or Fleecy (or similar product) under each mattress, cushion etc... This will keep field mice away as they don't like the smell.
Inspect the tires for signs of dry rot. Inflate all tires to the recommended COLD tire pressure.
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