"Create" a new account
( are mandatory fields) |
Creating an account allows you to post campground reviews, post entries in our forums, post in our classified ads, add personal comments to your reviews, view all the campgrounds that you visited & reviewed on a Google map (KampMap) and more.
To proceed, please provide the information requested below. |
![pix](images/Layout/one_pixel.gif) |
![Mandatory field](images/Layout/asterix_red.png) |
Your name: |
(Shown in your reviews/ads) |
![Mandatory field](images/Layout/asterix_red.png) |
City of residence: |
(Shown in your reviews/ads) |
![Mandatory field](images/Layout/asterix_red.png) |
(Shown in your reviews/ads)
![Mandatory field](images/Layout/asterix_red.png) |
Country: |
(Shown in your reviews/ads)
![Mandatory field](images/Layout/asterix_red.png) |
Postal/zip code: |
(Used for statistics, not shown anywhere) |
Phone number: |
(Not shown anywhere) |
![Mandatory field](images/Layout/asterix_red.png) |
address: |
(Not shown anywhere)
![Mandatory field](images/Layout/asterix_red.png) |
Username: |
(Shown in your ads, forum posts and reviews....instead of your email address)
![Mandatory field](images/Layout/asterix_red.png) |
Account password: |
(Must be 6-12 characters, include one number) |
![Mandatory field](images/Layout/asterix_red.png) |
Confirm password: |
RV type: |
Security questions
..... |
In order to add additional security to your account and to allow you to easily retrieve your forgotten password, please select and answer three
security questions below. Please pick questions for which you will easily remember the answers since you will only be provided with your forgotten password if and only if you answer your three questions correctly. |
By creating this account, you agree to these terms and conditions.